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Valley Christian Counseling exists to offer hope, help, and healing through licensed professionals who are committed Christians.







The clinicians and staff at Valley Christian Counseling adhere to the following statement of faith. We believe:


The Bible is divinely inspired and is the final authority as the Word of God in which God has revealed Himself in the holy Scriptures.


God revealed Himself in Holy Scriptures as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


The unique deity of Jesus as God's only son and that His death and resurrection provide for our adoption into God's family; the solution for our shame and broken relationship with God, and for our assurance of salvation and our healing.


Christ followers have the gift of the Holy Spirit, a transforming and sanctifiying presence that convicts, empowers, and enables us to live a holy life.


He will return to receive us, His blood-bought church, to be with Him forever in resurrection of the dead. 


We uphold these core values to fulfill our mission:


 Biblically-Sound      (Isaiah 50:4

 Christ-Focused         (Colossians 2:6-7)
 Compassionate         (1 Corinthians 13:7)

 Confidential              (Proverbs 11:13)

 Evidence-Based        (Matthew 12:33)

 Integrity                     (Timothy 4:15-16

 Non-judgmental      (Colossians 3:12-14)

 Spirit-Led                  (Isaiah 61:1)
 Truth & Grace          (John 1:14)

Valley Christian Counseling is excited to announce that we are officially a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. This milestone will enable us to continue our commitment to offering hope, help, and healing to the community.

Vision Statement

Core Values



1. Establish a place where licensed mental health professionals  can practice together, walk out our faith in our professions, to empower and facilitate individual practice mental health professionals in a Christian setting, to be an extension of the Body of Christ. 


2. Serve the church, missions organizations, and medical and legal professional communities as an adjunct to their services. Offer support, training, classes, in-services, and develop ministry lay leaders. 


3. Equip and train pastors, pastoral counselors, lay ministers, church leaders, and caregivers regarding mental health issues to further Christ's message of healing, serving, redeeming, and restoring all people. 


4. Serve the needs of private and public school students, teachers and parents with a direct focus on VFCA stakeholders.


5. Offer supervision for individuals pursuing a degree in mental health and working toward licensure as a Christian, mental health provider. 


6. Aid and train international ministries that care for hurting children and adults.


7. Assist individuals in securing employment and develop life improvement skills. 

Statement of Faith

Mission Statement


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